Can You Drink Diet Soda While Intermittent Fasting?

by | Diet Plans

An interesting side effect of intermittent fasting is that it can help you reduce your sugar cravings. There are many reasons why people choose to fast intermittently.

From weight loss and increased energy to better mental clarity, the benefits of fasting go beyond just a smaller waistline. It has been shown to have numerous positive effects on health. If you’re thinking about getting started with IF, or you’re already an avid intermittent faster and want to learn more about how it might affect your drinking habits, we’ve got some great news for you.

It turns out that there are many benefits of drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting! Let’s take a look at why this is the case.

The benefits of drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting

If you happen to be a person who is intermittent fasting, then you are in luck as drinking a diet soda while intermittent fasting is something that can be very beneficial for you. There are a lot of reasons why you might want or need to drink diet soda while intermittent fasting.

The most obvious of course is that it is calorie-free and so drinking it would not be harmful to you in any way. There are also other benefits associated with drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting. One of these is that the caffeine and other ingredients that are in diet soda, it can actually help you to increase your energy levels while you are fasting.

This can be really helpful to you if you have a tough day during your fasting window and don’t feel as energetic as you normally would.

Reasons why you can still drink diet soda while intermittent fasting

  1. You’ll still experience weight loss. Drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting will not affect your ability to lose weight.
  2. You’ll still experience an energy increase. The caffeine in the diet soda will help you to stay alert and energetic throughout the day.
  3. You’ll still feel less hungry. The diet soda will help you to feel fuller for longer, so even though you are not eating you will still not feel as hungry.
  4. You’re still saving calories. The only difference between drinking regular soda and drinking a diet is that you are saving yourself the calories that are in the regular soda.
  5. You’re still getting caffeine. The caffeine in the diet soda is still the same amount that it would be in the regular soda.

Reasons why you should not drink diet soda while intermittent fasting

  1. You may experience headaches. Drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting can be bad for you because the aspartame in it can cause headaches.
  2. You may experience increased hunger. Drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting can be bad for you because it can cause you to feel hungrier quicker than you normally would.
  3. You’re still consuming chemicals. While drinking a diet soda while intermittent fasting is still good for you, the negative side effects are outweighed by the positive side effects.
  4. You’re still consuming caffeine. While drinking a diet soda while intermittent fasting is still better than drinking regular soda, the negative effects of caffeine will still come into play.
  5. You’re still consuming artificial sweeteners. While drinking a diet soda while intermittent fasting is still better than drinking regular soda, the negative effects of artificial sweeteners will still kick in.
  6. You’re still consuming carbonation. While drinking a diet soda while intermittent fasting is still better than drinking regular soda, the negative effects of the carbonation will still kick in.

What’s the best alternative to Diet Soda?

One of the better fuels you can consume with Intermittent Fasting is coffee. It increases your alertness, helps you to stay focused and also increases your energy levels.

It can also help with weight loss, which is another great reason to drink it while IF.

Another fuel you can drink while IF is Green Tea.

Green Tea has a lot of antioxidants in it, which is very good for your body and great for weight loss.

The Key to Success: Research and Timing

The key to success with drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting is to do your research and to make sure that you are timing your diet soda intake properly.

You will want to make sure that you are drinking your diet soda during the window of time that you are allowed to eat or drink. This is typically when you are sleeping.


As you can see, there are many benefits of drinking diet soda while intermittent fasting, and there are very few drawbacks. It is recommended that you drink diet soda while intermittent fasting to get the most out of your experience. This is because it is calorie-free, and it also contains caffeine, which can help you to stay alert and focused throughout the day.

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