5 Reasons to Get Started with Intermittent Fasting

by | Fasting Tips

Looking for a way to lose weight that actually fits into your lifestyle? Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days. Everyone’s talking about it as the latest and most effective way to lose weight. But does it really work?

You may be skeptical at first. You might be thinking, how could skipping meals actually help you lose weight? Many individuals throughout the world recognize the potential of intermittent fasting to assist with weight reduction and other health advantages.

A lot of research has suggested that intermittent fasting has several health benefits. You’ll be surprised at how simple it is to keep to once you give it a try. What’s even better? You’ll be able to eat your favorite foods without having to calculate calories, and you won’t have to put in hours at the gym.

If you’re looking for a sustainable weight loss plan that fits into your lifestyle, get started with our guide to intermittent fasting as it’s definitely worth a try. In this article, you’ll discover five reasons why it’s true.

1. It aids in the reduction of inflammation.

Inflammation is one of the major contributors to heart disease and other health issues. Keeping your body free of harmful inflammation is crucial for maintaining good health. While people use intermittent fasting as a means to burn fat and lose weight, it has been shown to help reduce inflammation and insulin levels.

It also helps your body fight off harmful chronic inflammation, which is one of the main causes of most serious diseases and health issues. Chronic inflammation is the low-level inflammation that happens in your body whenever you experience stress, experience elevated blood sugar, have negative thoughts, are in a weakened immune system, are overweight, or are not getting enough rest.

Intermittent fasting helps to reduce chronic inflammation by lowering stress levels, reducing blood sugar, improving immunity, and increasing rest. Inflammation is a prevalent global health issue. Intermittent fasting has been shown in several studies to help decrease inflammation.

By reducing the amount of time you spend eating, you will help to reduce inflammation in your body. It may be difficult to lose pounds if your body is heavily inflamed, as cell communication will be impaired. It may also be helpful to avoid pro-inflammatory foods.

Examples of pro-inflammatory foods are refined sugar, trans-fats, and saturated fats. Eating too many of them can cause a buildup of plaque in your arteries, resulting in an inflammatory response.

An anti-inflammatory diet includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil. Supplements like fish oil, vitamin E, and ginger can also help reduce inflammation. When insulin levels drop, the body begins to burn fat tissue for energy, resulting in weight loss.

2. Intermittent Fasting triggers Ketosis to burn fat

Your body looks to your stores of fat for a source of energy rather than the food you eat when you are in ketosis.

If you eat consistently while awake, your body will have an abundant supply of glucose. When people consume a lot of carbs in their diet, a lot of glucose is produced. It is suggested that you consume a diet rich in whole grains, as well as plenty of protein and veggies.

It’ll also help you maintain your glucose levels, feel stimulated, and keep your metabolism functioning smoothly. You may suffer symptoms such as weariness, dizziness, and shaking if your glucose levels drop too low and you don’t have enough glucose in your body.

When you eat fewer carbs, your body burns through fat stores faster, allowing you to lose weight. And what’s the mechanism behind this? Your body burns through all available glucose and enters ketosis. You want to get energy from your body’s fat stores, which will lead to fat burning and weight loss.

3. Blood Sugar Stabilization

When you eat, your body releases insulin. If you have too much insulin, your blood sugar levels will be affected negatively. In order for ketosis to occur and for your body to burn away unwanted fat, there must be an appropriate level of insulin in your body.

Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase insulin resistance, which stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also helps to reduce the risk of diabetes by lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity. When your body has the right amount of insulin levels, you can burn away fat faster and more efficiently.

Furthermore, by increasing insulin resistance, you help your body to resist the intake of sugars and carbohydrates, which makes it easier for you to reach ketosis. Increasing insulin resistance can also help you to reduce sugar cravings and binge eating.

Insulin resistance aids in the reduction of blood sugar levels, which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. In order to increase your body’s insulin resistance, you should focus on healthy, low-carbohydrate foods.

These foods include whole grains, legumes, and vegetables. They also include foods that are high in fat, like avocado and coconut oil.

4. Appetite reduction

Your body will begin to crave less food as it develops accustomed to eating less. Your hunger will decrease, making it easier for you to consume the daily calorie quantity recommended in your feeding window, assisting you in developing a healthy food pattern and weight loss over time.

For the first week of the IF diet, it is recommended that you eat roughly 20% less than you normally would. Then, depending on how you’re feeling, you can change the amount of food you eat.

It’s critical to eat a well-balanced diet of nutritious meals throughout the procedure to maintain a healthy weight over time. It is also helpful to track your diet over time to see how it changes and how closely it matches a recommended pattern.

Taking notes about how certain foods make you feel can also be helpful for uncovering patterns in your diet.

5. It increases your Energy

Lastly, there are hidden benefits of Intermittent fasting that have led to increased energy levels. This is great because you will have the extra energy to stay active throughout the day and burn more calories, which will result in weight loss.

Intermittent fasting also helps you to avoid that mid-afternoon energy crash and mood dips that often come with skimping on meals. You can also benefit by improving your mental focus, reducing blood sugar levels, and increasing your production of neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Lowered blood sugar and increased serotonin can reduce your risk of depression, help you sleep better, and improve your mood. Many people who struggle with depression and mood disorders experience changes in their moods throughout the course of the day.

Some people experience a “sinking feeling” around lunchtime and find that it’s harder to concentrate, focus, and lift themselves out of a rut.

Fasting also improves concentration and focus, which is especially beneficial if you work a desk job and are required to sit for lengthy periods of time. Intermittent fasting has also been demonstrated to be beneficial in this regard.


The benefits of intermittent fasting are numerous, and you’ll discover them as you get started with the diet. Even though intermittent fasting can be challenging, you can make it work for you by getting into the right routine.

Intermittent fasting is best for those who are interested in weight loss as well as health benefits like improved insulin sensitivity and better blood sugar control. By periodically fasting, you are able to eat all your meals in a shorter period of time and avoid overeating at any given time of the day.

This will result in weight loss since your body will also know when it’s time to eat. On the contrary, intermittent fasting doesn’t mean you’re avoiding all your favorite foods forever. Intermittent fasting is flexible and sustainable. If you can’t do it every day, you can still successfully lose weight by simply doing it twice per week.

And if you like the results you see, don’t forget to add in a few weight loss exercises each week for maximum results.

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