5 Ways to Make Intermittent Fasting Goals Easier

by | Health Goals

Looking for a way to lose weight that fits into your lifestyle? Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days. Everyone’s talking about it as the latest and most effective way to lose weight. But does it really work?

You might be skeptical at first. How could skipping meals help you lose weight? But once you try it for yourself you’ll be amazed at just how easy it was to stick to. And the best part? You’ll still get to enjoy your favorite foods while dieting, and it doesn’t require hours of your time in the gym.

If you’re thinking about trying intermittent fasting or are just looking for a diet that fits into your lifestyle, then this is the article for you.

Skipping breakfast in the morning boosts your metabolism.

One of these few rules involves eating your meals within a specific time frame from 12 pm-8 pm, where you only allow yourself to eat within this time frame. Some people choose breakfast as their first meal while others save this for dinner. It doesn’t matter when you choose so long as all of your meals fall in that window of time. Skipping this meal kick-starts your body’s ability to burn fat for energy instead of carbs which can help you lose weight fast.

It takes your body about 12-16 hours to burn through all of its carb stores, which helps aid in fat burning. This is why many people will fast for 16 hours per day and then eat within an 8-hour window for the rest of the day.

It is not advised to eat during your fasting window, but if you must then it should be a single, small meal that contains no carbohydrates. The longer you can fast throughout the day and not eat, the more fat you can burn.

One of the best things you can do when you’re hungry is to hydrate yourself with water and salts. If you drink a couple of glasses of water and add some salt to it, then this will keep your body from going into a catabolic state.

Your body can’t store carbohydrates or fats — it can only store the water that is bound to them. So if you’ve been fasting all day and you’re starting to get hungry, then drink some water — it can help with weight loss.

Getting sodium in your body is just an easy rule you can follow in order to reap the benefits of only eating within an 8-16hour window of time each day. After some time, your body will get used to not eating at certain times and the hunger pangs will subside.

Once you’ve gotten past the first week of intermittent fasting, this practice becomes easier and it’s almost second nature. Many studies show that people who diet with intermittent fasting lose an average of 8-10 pounds in one month, even if they didn’t change their daily calorie intake!

QUICK TIP: One thing you should avoid while intermittent fasting is simple carbs such as bread, pasta, and sugar. If you can’t live without these things then you may want to stay away from intermittent fasting and try another diet plan that fits your lifestyle.

Add plant-based proteins to your intermittent fasting diet

People often think they need to eat less and/or exercise when following an intermittent fast, but this isn’t necessarily true. In fact, if you make the right choices for your body type with regards to what foods are best suited (i.e., protein-heavy meals), then it’s possible that one can consume more food without gaining weight or feeling stuffed after each meal!

Intermittent fasting and a high-protein, fat diet have become one of the most popular intermittent diets in recent years. The “warrior diet” was created by Ori Hofmekler for his latest book on this topic appropriately named The Warrior Diet.

This eating plan combines fasts with medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which can be used as fuel during exercise or when you’re not hungry enough to eat something more consistence like carbs stores. Intermittent fasting is a diet that allows you to eat several servings of protein at any time during your fast! It helps the body burn more fat and gain lean muscle mass if exercising.

Additionally, this type of eating plan has many health benefits such as helping people lose weight while maintaining their beauty by keeping metabolism high for longer periods than other types do–which means less stress on joints because they won’t be spending hours working out before getting enough fuel from food sources alone.

This high-protein diet plan will not only help you lose weight but also keep your muscles toned. It includes plenty of vegetables and fruits, which are essential for healthy living as well!

The best part about this program is that it provides all the vitamins without compromising on taste or texture so there’s no need to worry when switching up meals later down the line either way try something new every day with ease thanks again to protein sources like eggs because they make everything sound better.

Low-carb diets are all the rage these days, but did you know that there’s an easier way to achieve those same weight loss benefits? By choosing high protein plant-based foods like nuts and legumes instead of low-carb favorites like pasta or bread.

The great thing about intermittent fasting is its short periods between eating episodes so while it might seem hard at first not having any calories during those extended gaps can help with keeping your body insulin resistant which in turn helps reduce fat accumulation!

Plant-based proteins are less calorie dense than animal-based ones. Animal-based proteins usually contain about 80 calories in each 3-ounce serving, while most plant-based proteins range between 100-300+ per serving!

So because of this, you can eat more servings of plant-based proteins while still losing weight. Eating all of these high-protein plant-based goodies will help your body get rid of its glycogen stores and enter into ketosis much faster.

And when your body enters ketosis it starts to burn fat at a higher rate, which means that it’s easier to lose weight. You should try to consume high-quality proteins during your feeding periods in order to get the most out of your intermittent fast.

It’s always best to eat less than more, it doesn’t matter what you’re eating but just don’t overdo it!

QUICK TIP: Don’t be afraid to eat fats while intermittent fasting. Good sources of fat can include coconut oil, olives and olive oil, and nuts such as almonds and cashews. You can also cook up some quinoa to help improve your protein intake while still staying within your macros for the day. Quinoa contains all 9 essential amino acids, is low fat, and high in fiber!

Create a meal schedule for your fasting days.

People usually make the mistake of eating whatever they want, whenever they want during their intermittent fast. On days when you’re not fasting, it’s a good idea to plan ahead and prepare healthy meals for yourself that will help you succeed in losing weight throughout the week.

Plan what you will eat during your feeding window.

During your feeding window, it’s important to stay focused on consuming high-protein plant-based foods. You don’t have to eat everything in one sitting!

The 8-10 hour period where you eat all of your daily meals is called the “feeding window.” So during this time, it’s important to make sure that the food eaten will meet both nutritional and caloric needs. One great way for people who want to lose weight easily on their diet plan would be by prepping vegetables ahead, so they can simply cook them later in order not only to save money but also to avoid having too many unused veggies sitting around at home!

Do you know what’s better than not having any plans for the week? Having a list! It will help you get organized, buy all of your food in one trip, save money, and avoid looking at those tempting refrigerator shelves full blast.

We’ve made it easy by creating an outline with step-by-step meal planning instructions and how to go about — just follow along carefully so that everything comes out perfect every time.

Monitoring what you eat and drink will help keep track of your progress. You’ll be so hungry after fasting that anything sounds good, but if we plan ahead by buying food for our meals or drinks in advance then it’s easier to avoid junk foods that are not part of this diet plan anyway!

Create a fasting schedule and do it consistently.

It’s important to remember that intermittent fasting requires lots of discipline and can be quite difficult in the beginning. So if you decide to try it out, make sure that you create a realistic schedule that you can easily follow so you’re not just wasting your time.

One of the main reasons why intermittent fasting is effective is because it helps you save time. That’s right; it saves your time so that you’re not running all over the place to get food while trying to maintain a busy schedule.

Keep in mind that intermittent fasting can be difficult for some people because they are not used to eating for short periods of time throughout the day. You need to remember that it’s good to listen to your body and try not to stress yourself out too much if you feel hungry after a certain period of time.

Instead of eating nonstop, just drink some sparkling water or unsweetened tea with lemon in order to curb those cravings. When you’re feeling super hungry that means that it’s time to eat again!

Combine Intermittent Fasting with a good exercise plan

Intermittent fasting is a good way to shed some weight but it won’t be as effective if you don’t exercise. It’s recommended that you do different kinds of cardio exercises a minimum of four times per week for about 45 minutes each time. You can do cardio exercises like running, swimming or even dance!

Also, make sure that you’re incorporating weight training into your regimen to maintain lean muscle mass and burn more fat. And try to have fun with it!

If you find something that you really enjoy doing, it’ll be easier for you to keep up with your workout routine.

QUICK TIP: The best way to avoid having fat deposits carried over from one day onto the next is by staying hydrated. Water regulates your metabolism and flushes out toxins that carry these nasty chemicals, so it’s recommended you try drinking between half a gallon-1gallon per day!


This diet is an easy way to reset your metabolism and foster weight loss. It’s not difficult, but it does take some patience! You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can see results when following this plan correctly with no slip-ups. It is important to remain consistent in order for changes within self-body system mechanics, like muscle growth, a smaller belly, or a thinner waist, which can take time periods of weeks or months before they are noticed by others around us.

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